
Mimarlık Programı
0312 246 66 66 1063

  • Post Doktora, (2008), Loughborough Unıversıty, Architecture Building And Civil Engineering

  • Doktora, (2003), Bilkent Üniversitesi, İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı

  • Yüksek Lisans, (1999), Bilkent Üniversitesi, İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı

  • Lisans, (1997), Bilkent Üniversitesi, İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı

  • H-İndeks 6
    • İç Mimarlıkta Ekoloji, Sürdürülebilirlik ve Enerji Etkin Tasarım • Mimarlıkta Afet, Acil Durum ve Risk Yönetimi • İç Mimarlıkta Evrensel Tasarım ve Erişilebilirlik • Mimarlıkta Ekoloji, Sürdürülebilirlik ve Enerji Etkin Tasarım
    Birleşmiş Milletler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
    1  Emergency Remote Teaching of Technical Drawing During the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 14(1), 2023

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel
    2  An Analysis of the Flood Management and Mitigation Measures in Zimbabwe for a Sustainable Future, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31(0), 2018

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Remember Samu
    3  Safety Issues in Building Design to Cope with Extreme Events Case Study of an Evacuation Process, ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 20(3), 2014

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Chimay Anumba, Dino Bouchlaghem
    4  Designing Buildings to Cope with Emergencies Findings from Case Studies on Exit Preferences, Buildings, 3(2), 2013

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Chimay Anumba, Dino Baouchlaghem
    5   Potential use of Virtual Environments in Design Education, The Turkish Online Journal of Design, 1(2), 2011

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel
    6  Computer Simulations vs Building Guidance to Enhance Evacuation Performance of Buildings during Emergency Events, SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, 19(3), 2011

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Dino Bouchlaghem, Chimay Anumba
    7  On-line Critiques in Collaborative Design Studio, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION, 19(1), 2009

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Halime Demirkan
    8  A scenario Based Study on Information Flow and Collaboration Patterns in Disaster Management, DISASTERS, 33(2), 2009

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Dino Bouchlaghem, Chimay Anumba
    9  Proposals for Creative Uses of Computer Graphics in Architectural Design, Digital Creativity, 13(3), 2002

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Şule Taşlı
    10  A Framework for the Design Studio in Web Based Education, Journal of Art and Design Education, 20(3), 2001

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Halime Demirkan, Mesut Göktepe
    1  Discussion on the Impact of Biomaterials and Living Materials on Resource Consumption in Architectural Design, BAŞKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ 5. ULUSLARARASI SANAT VE TASARIM EĞİTİMİ SEMPOZYUMU: SANAT VE TASARIMDA SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİRLİK, 27.04.2023

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Elif Deniz Haberal
    2  Güncel Biyomimetik Uyarlanabilir Cephe Tasarımlarının Sistematik Analiz Yöntemi ile İncelemesi, BAŞKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ 5. ULUSLARARASI SANAT VE TASARIM EĞİTİMİ SEMPOZYUMU: SANAT VE TASARIMDA SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİRLİK, 27.04.2023

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Ekin Ünlü
    3  Tasarım Stüdyoları Deneyimi Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme: Mimarlık Eğitimi ve Sürdürülebilirlik Algısı, BAŞKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ 5. ULUSLARARASI SANAT VE TASARIM EĞİTİMİ SEMPOZYUMU: SANAT VE TASARIMDA SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİRLİK, 27.04.2023

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Öğr.Gör. Seçil Özcan Geylani, Araş.Gör. Elif Nur Bek, Ülker Erdoğan
    4  Sürdürülebilir Yapısal Çevre için Yangın Güvenliği Tasarımında Mimarların Rolü, BAŞKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ 5. ULUSLARARASI SANAT VE TASARIM EĞİTİMİ SEMPOZYUMU: SANAT VE TASARIMDA SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİRLİK, 27.04.2023

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Sümeyye Akın Okuyucu
    5  The Concept of Sustainability in Traditional Iranian Architecture, 7th Conference on Urban Studies Sustainable, Decent, Affordable Housing and Living Environments, 16.05.2022

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Mina Memari
    6  A Hybrid Teaching Framework for Freshman Technical Drawing Courses in Architecture, Başkent University 4th International Symposium on Art and Design Education, 05.04.2021

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel
    7  A Framework For Integrating Human-Building Interaction In Crowd Modelling Process, 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC 2010), 09.06.2010

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel
    8  A comprehensive modern approach to developing evacuation data capture/analysis and simulation tools for real world fire engineering, 4th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire 2009, 13.07.2009

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Shirikant Sharma, Vincent Tabak, David Brocklehurst, Dino Bouchlaghem
    9  Building Design Information and Requirements for Crowd Safety During Disasters, 4th International i-Rec Conference 2008, Building Resilience: Achieving Effective Post Disaster Re-construction, 30.04.2008

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Chimay Anumba, Dino Bouchlaghem
    10  Improving Safety and Security Through the Deployment of ICT in Disaster Management and Mitigation, INCITE-ITCSED 2006 World Conference on IT in Design and Construction, 15.11.2006

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Chimay Anumba, Dino Bouchlaghem
    11  Use of ICT during the Response Phase in Emergency Management in Greece and the United Kingdom, International Disaster Reduction Conference (IDRC2016), 27.08.2006

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Elena Asimakopoulou, Chimay Anumba, Dino Bouchlaghem
    12  Coping with Extreme Events in the Built Environment: ICT for Disaster Mitigation and Collaboration, Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2006, Challenges Toward Sustainable Construction, 05.07.2006

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Chimay Anumba, Dino Bouchlaghem
    13  Usability Evaluation of a Collaborative Web-based Design Environment, 3rd International Conference of Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC 2005), 15.06.2005

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Halime Demirkan
    14  Evolutionary Collaborative Design Studios, 9th EuropIA International Conference: E-Activities and Intelligent Support in Design and the Built Environment, 08.10.2003

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel, Halime Demirkan
    15  Visual Perception in Design Education, 7th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education: Networking the Learner, 29.07.2001

    Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel
    1 The Design of Buildings for the Safety of Users in Emergency Events, Ar-Ge, Araştırmacı, 01.10.2007

    Prof. Chimay J. Anumba, Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel
    2 ICT Enabled Solutions for Safety and Security Risks in the Built Environment , Danışmanlık, Araştırmacı, 01.11.2005

    Prof. Chimay J. Anumba, Doç. Dr. Aysu Sagun Kentel
    1 Loughborough University, Department of Civil and Building Engineering
    Doktora Sonrası
    2 Loughborough University,Department of Civil and Building Engineering
    Doktora Sonrası
    Yangın güvenliği için yapı tahliyesine yönelik yürütülen güncel araştırmalarda yapı bilgi modellemesi (YBM) kullanımının değerlendirilmesi
    Yüksek Lisans
    Using biomaterials in architectural design: Exploring the upcycling potential of nutshells to be used as an elastomer material in floating floor system
    Yüksek Lisans
    Mimarlıkta makine öğrenimi uygulamaları: Fırsatlar, zorluklar ve geleceğe dair öngörüler
    Yüksek Lisans